Michelle Steel is too extreme for Orange County families.
August 27, 2024:
From the ninth to sixth weeks prior to the November general election, voters should ONLY see negative communication on digital and streaming. Voters do not need to see any positive communications at this point in the race.
Voters in the Los Angeles media market, should see ads on broadcast, cable, streaming and digital district-wide as well as read mail about:
Michelle Steel led the charge in Congress to restrict women’s reproductive rights, including recently sponsoring legislation to ban abortion nationwide without exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the life of the woman, including in California.
Vietnamese voters, as well as White voters registered without a party preference, should see ads on streaming and digital platforms and read mail about Steel’s refusal to stand up to China and her connections to the Chinese Communist Party:
The Wall Street Journal and Orange County Register revealed that Steel’s husband helped Chinese Communist Party agents gain access to Republican leaders – one of whom funneled money to Republicans and admitted to using his access to the Trump campaign to lobby for a pro-China agenda.
Steel opposed bipartisan efforts to help American companies compete with Chinese manufacturing and combat the Chinese government’s illegal trade practices.
Latino voters should see ads on digital and streaming platforms and read mail in English and Spanish about Steel’s long history of corruption:
As a County Supervisor, Steel awarded a John Wayne Airport contract to a major donor over a more qualified business and tried to sell public land to a donor below market value, prompting a grand jury investigation.
Steel has taken millions from corporate interests in Congress, voted against a bill to stop price-gouging while making up to $50,000 from oil royalties, and opposed efforts to reduce lobbyist influence in Washington.
Voters registered without a party preference, voters who Lean Democratic, and voters under the age of 45 across every demographic group are a priority audience.
Vietnamese voters are hyper-concentrated in the cities of Garden Grove and Westminster. It would be helpful to prioritize communication in these geographies.
For Latino voters under the age of 45 who are seeing ads on digital and streaming platforms, it is most important for these ads to be in English. Spanish language communication is a helpful but a secondary priority for these voters.
Vietnamese women under the age of 45 who speak English are a priority audience.
Abortion is the best overall argument against Michelle Steel, but certain voters also need to see ads about her refusal to stand up to China and her connections to the Chinese Communist Party, as well as her long history of corruption.