Derek Tran is an Army Veteran, Consumer Rights Attorney, City Commissioner, and Small Business Owner who is running for Congress to fight for Californians, not corporations in Congress.

Derek Tran in his U.S. Army uniform

Derek is the son of refugees. His parents fled the Communist regime in Vietnam so that their children could realize the American Dream in Southern California. Through hard work and sacrifice, Derek’s family opened a corner market where Derek worked every day after school. 

At the age of 18, Derek enlisted in the Army to give back to the country that had given him and his family so much. In the military, it didn’t matter if you were a Democrat or a Republican - you worked together to get the job done, and Derek will bring that same mindset to Congress.

After his time in the military, Derek went to law school to uphold the liberties, individual rights, and rule of law that his parents immigrated to America for. Turning down high paying jobs in corporate law, Derek chose to open up his small business in Orange County and fight for immigrants, workers, survivors of sexual harassment, and consumers.

At a time when corporations are raking in record profits and customers are paying more for basic goods and services, Derek holds bad actors accountable, ensuring that individuals not special interests get the justice they deserve. 

With Southern California facing some of the largest infrastructure and environmental challenges in the country, with poor air quality and road conditions, Derek was asked to serve on the Orange Traffic Commission to help address long range transportation and highway planning. In Congress, Derek will fight to bring infrastructure dollars back to Southern California in order to create clean energy jobs. That funding, investment in public transit, and job creation will directly fight climate change and help families spend less time stuck in traffic.

Derek is married to his amazing wife Michelle, a pharmacist who grew up in Garden Grove. Together they run a brick and mortar pharmacy right here in Orange County. During the pandemic they helped local businesses and restaurants keep their doors open and their employees safe through vaccinations and Covid-19 testing. Thanks to Michelle and Derek, countless community members were able to work, see family, and stay healthy.

Every day Derek and Michelle see first hand the challenges Orange County families face with skyrocketing drug prices and the difficult decisions some have to make when paying for insulin or groceries. In Congress, Derek will work to reduce the costs of prescription drugs, protect a woman’s right to choose, and expand coverage, because healthcare is a right, not a privilege.

Derek and Michelle are proud parents of three. Their children attend public schools and every day Derek works to instill the values of hard work, patriotism, and service that his parents taught him.

Derek sits on the board of Consumers of Attorneys of California and mentors at-risk youth at Sunburst Academy, which is located at Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos where Derek served.

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